In this blog site, I discuss a variety of timely issues and provide information that I hope will be helpful to BVSD staff, parents, students, and community members. Your comments are welcomed!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-16 School Year

Welcome to the start of a new school year! This is an exciting time for students as they get acquainted with their teachers and classmates. Each new school year provides rich learning opportunities for all students to experience success.

As I begin my fifth year as superintendent, I am eager to implement the district’s new strategic plan, which we call The Success Effect. Many parents, students, staff and community members helped shape our future direction by their participation in developing the plan, which will lead to achieving our vision, mission, values and goals. My blog about Priority Action Plans features recent work by the action planning teams on The Success Effect. I encourage you to read about the future plan for Boulder Valley School District.

The Success Effect has three organizing principles -- Learning, Talent and Partnerships. Boulder Valley School District recruits and employs talented staff, and ongoing professional development ensures our staff has the best skills and knowledge to help our students be successful. The summer months and pre-service days have been packed with professional learning for staff on such topics as innovation, education technology, gender diversity and instructional practices.

We also want to provide the best possible learning environment for our students. Many staff, parents and community members are actively engaged in planning phase one of the bond construction and innovation work. In November 2014 Boulder Valley School District voters approved a $576 million bond issue, which will fund significant improvements in all schools.  

Parent and family partnerships are essential to achieve the hopes and dreams of all students, and I look forward to working with you for a great school year.

Bruce K. Messinger, Ph.D.

Vision of the Boulder Valley School District
We develop our children’s greatest abilities and make possible the discovery and pursuit of their dreams which, when fulfilled, will benefit us all. We provide a comprehensive and innovative approach to education and graduate successful, curious, lifelong learners who confidently confront the great challenges of their time.